Computer games are becoming increasingly used tools for teaching and learning. They are used to supplement, enhance, and reinforce material taught in the classroom. They are an effective way to engage students in the learning process and make learning interesting and fun. In today's technology based world, children are using and becoming comfortable with technology earlier and earlier in life. Children today learn by being engaged, doing, and playing, not just being delivered information; by multitasking and moving quickly, not doing one thing at a time; by having choices of how to learn, not having a one size fits all curriculum; and by being connected with other students, not individually. Children are comfortable with technology, so why not teach them in a way they are comfortable with? In today's technology ruled world, it is imperative that children gain knowledge of technology and computes. Educational games prepare students for the 21st century by equipping them with the skills the need to operate computers and programs, while at the same time educating them. Educational computer games allow for teaching, learning, enhancement of material, engagement of the student, facilitation of interest, and making learning fun! This does not mean educational computer games should take the place of instruction by the teacher and face to face interaction, but be used as a tool for enhancing and adding to education-allowing for more interaction and collaboration.
As an elementary education major, educational games will play a major role in my future career. At the elementary level, children learn a great deal by doing and playing, so games are an important and even vital tool for their education and success. Education games provide elementary students with fun, interesting games that keep their attention and engage them. At the elementary level, there are countless educational games available to help students learn the curriculum. I will not let computer games take over education in my classroom. If overused, computer games can pose more of a threat than benefit, because students become in a sense dependent on them, only able to learn by playing, losing their attention span and interest in traditional teaching.
This site is dedicated to educational games for the elementary grade levels. I chose it because it is organized in an easy to use way, includes games for the four basic subject areas, as well as games for addition education and reinforcement. It is a great tool for elementary teachers to use in the classroom.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Distance Education
Distance education, or distance learning, is the education and instruction of students not physically present on the teaching site. Throughout history, distance education has taken place, but not to the degree and way it does in today's world. Today, distance education is achieved through technological means. Both public and private institutions of varying grade levels offer distance education, but it is most popular at colleges and universities, with more than 96% of the largest offering courses through distance education. Students can partake in distance education through television, radio, internet, CD-ROM, or mobile devices. The most common form of distance education is online learning, which utilizes online technologies to connect educator and student. This allows them to be in different places at different times and still connect for education. Online instruction is often mixed with limited in-person interaction, called blended instruction. Another form of online instruction on the rise is virtual education, in which the educational institution down not physically exist, but is a "virtual" online institution and all student services are provided online.
Many advantages come with distance education. Students are allowed to learn at their own pace because learning is done on the student's own time and there is no time constraint like being in a classroom; there is flexibility in when the student can learn the material and how the student wants to go about learning it; there is greater access to multimedia in lessons because technology is already being used; and students have greater access to education they may not have due to distance or availability where they are. There are some downsides to distance education as well. It can be costly; there are concerns about security of information transferred online; and there is a lack of motivation, encouragement, discipline, immediate access to educators, and personal interaction that comes with face to face education.
As an kindergarten teacher, I do not think full distance education would be a good idea, but I do think there are some ways to use distance education and online "courses" to enhance material being taught in the class. I could set up "courses" online for my students to complete at home. These courses would not be all inclusive or as complicated as they are in higher levels, but they can include games, worksheets, and practice problems on an easy to maneuver web page. This will ensure their education continues out of the classroom, that lessons are enhanced, and that they stay engaged in an interactive and fun way.
The video above is an informational video about online education in the K-12 grade levels. I chose it because it focuses on students below the college level, whoa re often forgotten when talking about distance education. It explains how online education can benefit these younger children, the advantages to and importance of online online learning in today's world, and the positive impact it has. The speakers are accredited, professional educators experienced in both face to face and distance education.
Many advantages come with distance education. Students are allowed to learn at their own pace because learning is done on the student's own time and there is no time constraint like being in a classroom; there is flexibility in when the student can learn the material and how the student wants to go about learning it; there is greater access to multimedia in lessons because technology is already being used; and students have greater access to education they may not have due to distance or availability where they are. There are some downsides to distance education as well. It can be costly; there are concerns about security of information transferred online; and there is a lack of motivation, encouragement, discipline, immediate access to educators, and personal interaction that comes with face to face education.
As an kindergarten teacher, I do not think full distance education would be a good idea, but I do think there are some ways to use distance education and online "courses" to enhance material being taught in the class. I could set up "courses" online for my students to complete at home. These courses would not be all inclusive or as complicated as they are in higher levels, but they can include games, worksheets, and practice problems on an easy to maneuver web page. This will ensure their education continues out of the classroom, that lessons are enhanced, and that they stay engaged in an interactive and fun way.
The video above is an informational video about online education in the K-12 grade levels. I chose it because it focuses on students below the college level, whoa re often forgotten when talking about distance education. It explains how online education can benefit these younger children, the advantages to and importance of online online learning in today's world, and the positive impact it has. The speakers are accredited, professional educators experienced in both face to face and distance education.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Web Presence
A web presence is the influence an individual, business, or organization has on the web and the traceable path that is left behind through this interaction. Thus, since the influence is traceable, the presence can be searched and accessed by others using the web. Most users of the web have some sort of web presence, whether it's social or professional-simply by having a social networking site such as Facebook, writing a blog, or creating their own web page. By merely "existing" on the web and making their presence known somehow, users have a web presence. Having a web presence in today's world is very beneficial, and in some cases vital. Social networking presences keep users in contact with other users, and professional web presences allow users to showcase their portfolios and resumes for employers to access without having to meet personally, saving money and increasing the amount of people who see it.
As a teacher, creating a professional web presence that includes my resume, portfolio, and information about me can not only help me find an employer, but is a great way to inform parents about who I am so they know is teaching their child and are comfortable and informed. A social web presence would also be a great tool for me to use. By adding and becoming "friends" with my students' parents on Facebook, I can keep them updated on what is going on in the classroom, they can message me with questions or concerns, I can create a group that includes just them so open discussions can be made and photos of their children in the classroom can be added, and they can have instant access to me through Facebook chat. I can create a blog that does much of the same thing-updating parents on what is going on in the classroom, what homework is due when, and post classroom pictures. Social networks and blogs can also be used for teachers to share ideas and work with other teachers. Having a social and professional web presence would be a great tool for communication and collaboration in and out of the classroom.
This video is a short tutorial about creating a web presence. I chose this video because it explains in a simple, easy to understand way, what a web presence is, the benefits of creating a web presence, and how to create a web presence.
As a teacher, creating a professional web presence that includes my resume, portfolio, and information about me can not only help me find an employer, but is a great way to inform parents about who I am so they know is teaching their child and are comfortable and informed. A social web presence would also be a great tool for me to use. By adding and becoming "friends" with my students' parents on Facebook, I can keep them updated on what is going on in the classroom, they can message me with questions or concerns, I can create a group that includes just them so open discussions can be made and photos of their children in the classroom can be added, and they can have instant access to me through Facebook chat. I can create a blog that does much of the same thing-updating parents on what is going on in the classroom, what homework is due when, and post classroom pictures. Social networks and blogs can also be used for teachers to share ideas and work with other teachers. Having a social and professional web presence would be a great tool for communication and collaboration in and out of the classroom.
This video is a short tutorial about creating a web presence. I chose this video because it explains in a simple, easy to understand way, what a web presence is, the benefits of creating a web presence, and how to create a web presence.
Open Source Software
Programs and software have source codes, which are transformed into machine codes so they can be read by computers. If the program is to be fixed, extended, or changed in any way, this is done by ammending the source code and creating another machine code to create an updated copy of the software. Software is open source when the author of the software gives users of the software access to the source code and gives them the right to change and redistribute the source code as they need to. The concept of open source was created by computer programmer Richard Stallman. When Stallman couldn't get a printer to work, he asked the manufacturer for the source code so he could adapt it and fix the problems. The manufacturer denied Stallman access to the source code, saying it was a trade secret, so Stallman became frustrated that he could not alter software he had paid money to own and thus created the concept of free software, which open source software came from. Open source allows users of software to access the source code so they can alter the software any way they want. While commercial software has to be purchased and the source code is kept secret, open source is free to download and users can access the source code. By having access to source codes, users can create different codes for different applications and versions of the software, as long as they don't sell or make profit from it. Open source software is available for word processing, image editing, web browsing, and multiple other uses. Some very popular open source programs include Firefox web browser, Linux, Open Office word processing, Gimpshop photo editor, and Audacity sound editor. These and thousands of other programs make software usage free and easy.
In elementary education, open source provides a way to access educational software and programs for free, allowing for more software in the classroom than if the software had to be purchased. Since much of the software used in an elementary classroom down not need to be commercial grade, open source is a great way to obtain educational software, games, and materials. This is vital to public schools that are already on a tight budget and don't have thousands to spend on word processing programs, educational games, and other programs necessary in the classroom. I could use multiple programs to enhance lessons and engage students in the educational process. Open source provides software for creating presentations, editing projects, and creating documents. Open source can be used to make educational resources more effective, efficient, and available, and increasing communication and sharing of resources between teachers. Open source would, to put it simply, would make utilizing educational software cheap and easy.
This is a great website that includes links to and explains numerous educational open source software. I chose this site because it includes programs that cover a variety of subjects, including art, music, astronomy, mathematics, and variety games. These programs enhance education and make learning fun and engaging.
In elementary education, open source provides a way to access educational software and programs for free, allowing for more software in the classroom than if the software had to be purchased. Since much of the software used in an elementary classroom down not need to be commercial grade, open source is a great way to obtain educational software, games, and materials. This is vital to public schools that are already on a tight budget and don't have thousands to spend on word processing programs, educational games, and other programs necessary in the classroom. I could use multiple programs to enhance lessons and engage students in the educational process. Open source provides software for creating presentations, editing projects, and creating documents. Open source can be used to make educational resources more effective, efficient, and available, and increasing communication and sharing of resources between teachers. Open source would, to put it simply, would make utilizing educational software cheap and easy.
This is a great website that includes links to and explains numerous educational open source software. I chose this site because it includes programs that cover a variety of subjects, including art, music, astronomy, mathematics, and variety games. These programs enhance education and make learning fun and engaging.
open source,
source code
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Visual Literacy
When you see a street sign do you know what it means? Can you tell the difference between male and female bathroom signs even if they don't include words? Of course you can. That's because you are visually literate. Visual literacy is the ability to evaluate, interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from information presented in the form of images. It also is the ability to create conceptual visual representations. Visual literacy is based on the idea that pictures can be "read" and their meaning be communicated and understood through the readings. Visual literacy enables an individual to discriminate and interpret visible actions, objects, symbols, and signs they encounter. This allows people to communicate with each other through visual imagery and comprehend visual communication. In today's world, visual literacy is vital. Being able to understand and interpret images in crucial in a world where media and the internet are such powerful and omnipresent. Being visually literate not only helps us with basics things such as finding food and drinks we want and knowing where to go, it helps us decipher images presented by the media and uncover hidden meanings in images.
In my major field of education, it is vital that i integrate and teach visual literacy in my classroom. It is my job to prepare children for the world, and if i don't teach my students to be visually literate, I'm not doing that. Teaching them what certain signs, symbols, and actions mean helps them understand and interpret them on their own in the real world. I can use visual literacy in the classroom to get my students thinking critically, by presenting them with a picture and asking them questions about the picture, such as "what are you looking at?" and "what does it mean?" I can also use visual literacy by using images to teach and enhance different subject lessons. For example, instead of reading the history book or about a historic event, I can present my students with an image of the event and have a class discussion about the image. I can also have my students crate their own visual literacy projects to expand their knowledge from understand images to being able to create their own and communicate their ideas using them. Integrating visual literacy in my classroom with allow my benefit my students in the areas of visual literacy, observation, and critical thinking.

This image contains four popular signs and symbols. The images can be identified as recycle, McDonald's, Target, and NBC. This picture demonstrates the power of visual literacy, because even though the picture contains no labels or text, the images can be identified, interpreted, and understood.

This is a picture of Coca-Cola cans from around the world. The text is in various different languages. Even if an individual did not speak the language the label was in, they could identify the product as Coca-Cola because of the familiar image and can design they associate with the drink.
In my major field of education, it is vital that i integrate and teach visual literacy in my classroom. It is my job to prepare children for the world, and if i don't teach my students to be visually literate, I'm not doing that. Teaching them what certain signs, symbols, and actions mean helps them understand and interpret them on their own in the real world. I can use visual literacy in the classroom to get my students thinking critically, by presenting them with a picture and asking them questions about the picture, such as "what are you looking at?" and "what does it mean?" I can also use visual literacy by using images to teach and enhance different subject lessons. For example, instead of reading the history book or about a historic event, I can present my students with an image of the event and have a class discussion about the image. I can also have my students crate their own visual literacy projects to expand their knowledge from understand images to being able to create their own and communicate their ideas using them. Integrating visual literacy in my classroom with allow my benefit my students in the areas of visual literacy, observation, and critical thinking.
This image contains four popular signs and symbols. The images can be identified as recycle, McDonald's, Target, and NBC. This picture demonstrates the power of visual literacy, because even though the picture contains no labels or text, the images can be identified, interpreted, and understood.
This is a picture of Coca-Cola cans from around the world. The text is in various different languages. Even if an individual did not speak the language the label was in, they could identify the product as Coca-Cola because of the familiar image and can design they associate with the drink.
visual literacy
Monday, March 22, 2010
Social Tools: Social Bookmarking
Social tools, or folksonomies, are web tools that allow users to collaboratively create and manage tags to annotate and categorize content on the web. Social tools are social applications on the web that are a characteristic of Web 2.0 and thus allow users to collectively classify and find information. Social tools utilize social software and social media in order to allow interaction and connection between people. One major social tool is social bookmarking. Social bookmarking is a way for users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks, or resource identifiers, of web resources. In a social bookmarking system, users save links to web pages in the system. When the resources are bookmarked, it is these bookmarks that are shared on the site, not the actual resources themselves. Social bookmarking tools allow users to add descriptions to bookmarks so other users know what the resource contains without opening it up for themselves. Tags can also be added for users to use keywords to share content, making social bookmarking social tagging and thus a social tool, or folksonomy. They provide a way for users to easily classify, share, and locate information. Social bookmarking services are what they say - SOCIAL tools. Since they indicate who created the bookmark, users can easily find individuals interested in the same topics as them (based on bookmarks) and connect with them.
Social bookmarking can be very useful in the field of education. Through social bookmarking sites, teachers can freely collaborate with each other and access each others bookmarks to share educational websites and resources with each other. By accessing a social bookmarking site of another teacher, teachers can see a list of resources that that teacher uses or finds helpful, and a description of what it contains, and use those resources if they think they will be helpful to them as well. Teachers can also create bookmarking pages for their students and include bookmarks of resources that pertain to lessons and material, offer practice of material such as activities and games, and homework help and tutoring sites. The same way, teachers can create pages of bookmarks for parents, including bookmarks for school activities and information and resources for how to help their children.
This resource is an educational site that provides information on social bookmarking. It explains everything you need to know about social bookmarking. I chose it because it not only does it explain what it is and how it works, but it goes beyond the basics and explains its significance, the negative aspects of it, what the future holds, and its implications. This resource is very informative and comprehensive-very useful.
Social bookmarking can be very useful in the field of education. Through social bookmarking sites, teachers can freely collaborate with each other and access each others bookmarks to share educational websites and resources with each other. By accessing a social bookmarking site of another teacher, teachers can see a list of resources that that teacher uses or finds helpful, and a description of what it contains, and use those resources if they think they will be helpful to them as well. Teachers can also create bookmarking pages for their students and include bookmarks of resources that pertain to lessons and material, offer practice of material such as activities and games, and homework help and tutoring sites. The same way, teachers can create pages of bookmarks for parents, including bookmarks for school activities and information and resources for how to help their children.
This resource is an educational site that provides information on social bookmarking. It explains everything you need to know about social bookmarking. I chose it because it not only does it explain what it is and how it works, but it goes beyond the basics and explains its significance, the negative aspects of it, what the future holds, and its implications. This resource is very informative and comprehensive-very useful.
Podcasting is an automated technology that allows listeners to subscribe and listen to recorded audio shows. Podcasts also include video, text, and other media file formats that can be played on the computer or downloaded to MP3 players. Listeners subscribe to a podcast and the podcasts automatically download to the listener's computer's media player. The podcasts can be listened to via the computer or downloaded to an MP3 devise. Individuals can get podcasts very easily. They simply download a podcatcher software, browse and subscribe to podcasts by browsing podcast directories, and download the podcast of choose the automatic download function that downloads podcasts periodically. Users can also create a podcast by using an audio editing program to record the podcast, uploading it in MP3 format to a web server, creating a blog on a free blog service, and pasting the URL of the MP3 as an entry in the blog. Podcasts are easy to create and locate, increasing their popularity.
In the field of education, teachers can use podcasts in multiple ways. They can use them by having students subscribe to and access podcasts that relate to information being taught, contain material on the content area being covered, and supplement material presented in the classroom. They can also use podcasts in the classroom to share audio clips, speeches, and sounds that enhance the lesson. Teachers can create their own podcasts for students to use. This is a cost effective way to present information without compromising learning. Teachers can create podcasts of lectures, lessons, and material and post them to the internet so students can access them outside of the classroom. This is helpful: when students miss school for extended periods of time because they can view the material online and not fall behind; for students who don't immediately understand material because they can replay the lesson over and over until they grasp the material; in allowing students to listen to and memorize information. Teachers can also stimulate interest in learning and engage students by having them create their own podcasts. This allows students to communicate their ideas and questions with other students in regards to homework, collaborate with other students, do peer reviews, and work on group projects.
This website is a resource for podcasting. It explains everything you need to know about podcasting- what it is, how it works, how to create podcasts, how to use them, podcasting directories, sites, blogs, and much more. I chose this source because it does a very good job at explaining everything in a way easy for users to understand and it is very comprehensive and thorough.
In the field of education, teachers can use podcasts in multiple ways. They can use them by having students subscribe to and access podcasts that relate to information being taught, contain material on the content area being covered, and supplement material presented in the classroom. They can also use podcasts in the classroom to share audio clips, speeches, and sounds that enhance the lesson. Teachers can create their own podcasts for students to use. This is a cost effective way to present information without compromising learning. Teachers can create podcasts of lectures, lessons, and material and post them to the internet so students can access them outside of the classroom. This is helpful: when students miss school for extended periods of time because they can view the material online and not fall behind; for students who don't immediately understand material because they can replay the lesson over and over until they grasp the material; in allowing students to listen to and memorize information. Teachers can also stimulate interest in learning and engage students by having them create their own podcasts. This allows students to communicate their ideas and questions with other students in regards to homework, collaborate with other students, do peer reviews, and work on group projects.
This website is a resource for podcasting. It explains everything you need to know about podcasting- what it is, how it works, how to create podcasts, how to use them, podcasting directories, sites, blogs, and much more. I chose this source because it does a very good job at explaining everything in a way easy for users to understand and it is very comprehensive and thorough.
audio files,
podcasting in education,
Digital Storytelling
Digital storytelling is the practice of telling stories through the use of computer-based tools, or digital tools, such as computer based images, text, recorded audio, video, sounds, and music. Just like other stories, digital stories can be on any topic and be of varying lengths. Anyone can create a digital story to document life experiences, ideas, feelings, thoughts, or their creativity by combining story and digital media. there are multiple software programs and applications and web based tools that support the creation of digital stories. Software for includes video: Microsoft Photostory, Windows Movie Maker, and Apple iMovie; audio: Audacity and Goldwave; images: Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro; players: Windows Media Player, iTunes, QuickTime, and Adobe Flash Player. Web tools include slideshow tools, which generate content for linear playpack of images (Joggle, ImageLoop, One true Media, SlideFlickr, Picasa); timeline tools, which organize events on a timeline by date and time using texts, images, etc (OurStory, xtimeline); mixer tools, which are similar to slideshow tools but offer a larger variety of media types that can be mixed (Voice Thread, Mixercast). Other tools include Comic sketch tools, map tools, audio tools, collage tools, video tools, and presentation tools. Digital media can be used to build partnerships between community, educational, and business institutions to develop initiative in multiple areas, such as health, social services, education, historic and cultural preservation, community development, human rights, and environmental justice.
Digital storytelling can be used in the field of education as an effective instructional tool and supplement to teachers. As a teacher, I could create stories and show them as a way to present new material to my students in a way that is interesting to them and grabs their attention and makes learning fun. By using digital storytelling, I can enhance the material being taught with the use of images, sounds, and effects that stimulate my students' senses and engage them in the learning process. By using more than traditional speech and standard visual aids, I can help my students better understand material. Digital storytelling would help me enhance preexisting lessons, present new material, make difficult content more understandable, and facilitate discussion and involvement. I can also have students create digital stories for classwork, homework, projects, or student of the week presentations. By doing this they will become actively engaged and interested in what they are working on, learn to work with others, and present their work to the class by sharing their story. They will learn research, writing, organization, technology, and presentation skills.
This video explains the use of digital storytelling in the classroom through the eyes of a student. I chose this source because in a very simple way it explains how digital storytelling is beneficial to students in the classroom, how it can be used, what students can gain from using it, and how digital storytelling is a revolutionary and effective learning and teaching tool.
Digital storytelling can be used in the field of education as an effective instructional tool and supplement to teachers. As a teacher, I could create stories and show them as a way to present new material to my students in a way that is interesting to them and grabs their attention and makes learning fun. By using digital storytelling, I can enhance the material being taught with the use of images, sounds, and effects that stimulate my students' senses and engage them in the learning process. By using more than traditional speech and standard visual aids, I can help my students better understand material. Digital storytelling would help me enhance preexisting lessons, present new material, make difficult content more understandable, and facilitate discussion and involvement. I can also have students create digital stories for classwork, homework, projects, or student of the week presentations. By doing this they will become actively engaged and interested in what they are working on, learn to work with others, and present their work to the class by sharing their story. They will learn research, writing, organization, technology, and presentation skills.
This video explains the use of digital storytelling in the classroom through the eyes of a student. I chose this source because in a very simple way it explains how digital storytelling is beneficial to students in the classroom, how it can be used, what students can gain from using it, and how digital storytelling is a revolutionary and effective learning and teaching tool.
computer tools,
digital storytelling,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Concept Map
This is a concept map of the ways social tools can be used by teachers in education, in and out of the classroom.
concept map,
Friday, February 26, 2010
Audio File Using Audacity
This is a short audio recording of my voice and a few sound effects that I created using audacity. I added a click track and changed the tempo and speed to create the sound and then just recorded my voice.
I could use sounds in presentations for my classroom in order to make them more fun and engaging to my young students. By adding sounds or audio files to my presentations I can make presentations more interesting to my students and stimulate their senses in order to make learning more exciting.
I could use sounds in presentations for my classroom in order to make them more fun and engaging to my young students. By adding sounds or audio files to my presentations I can make presentations more interesting to my students and stimulate their senses in order to make learning more exciting.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Web Two Point Oh!
Web 2.0 is a term that describes the web applications and changes in web design that allow for interactive use of the web and collaboration between users. This allows for information sharing, creation, and editing through applications such as social networking sites, video and picture sharing sites, blogs, online journals, wikis, web-based communities, and music mashing sites. This interaction is a major step from earlier web capabilities that only allowed viewers to passively view information on the web. When the term Web 2.0 was coined in 2004 to describe this interactive and ever changing world wide web, the "old," non-interactive world wide web of the past was termed "Web 1.0." Web 2.0 has revolutionized the way the world uses the internet. People can share their ideas and access information like never before. It is connecting people from one side of the world to the other. Classrooms have also become revolutionized by Web 2.0. Education is utilizing the tools, interaction, and collaboration Web 2.0 is providing in order to give students the greatest access to information, creativity, and each other. In today's world, children are growing up connected too the web. But even with the vast amounts of information and opportunities it provides to children, the new age of online life poses many threats to children. Just as the Frontline documentary presented, children can catch themselves in worlds of trouble by misusing the web and not knowing web safety. Because of the amount of interaction and exchange that Web 2.0 allows, children have increasing access to inappropriate material, dangerous people, and distractions.
In the field of teaching, as stated above, Web 2.0 is making a major impact. It is allowing teachers to revolutionize the way they teach and operate their classrooms. Students are now communicating with children in classrooms half way across the globe. As a kindergarten teacher, there is not much I can do with my students using Web 2.0, however older elementary age students can use online journals, blogs, and wikis for educational purposes in or out of the classroom. Web 2.0 allows for easy use of the web that is necessary for young children. As the teacher, Web 2.0 provides me with the simple but ever so necessary email, to collaborate and share information with other teachers and parents.
This is a short video about the arrival of Web 2.0. I like it because it makes a good point- the internet relies on US now, as opposed to us relying on it. Users create the content and participate in OPEN communication. Web 2.0 is opening doors instead of restricting its users. The WORLD is staying connected via Web 2.0. The video also provides a look at numerous different Web 2.0 applications.
In the field of teaching, as stated above, Web 2.0 is making a major impact. It is allowing teachers to revolutionize the way they teach and operate their classrooms. Students are now communicating with children in classrooms half way across the globe. As a kindergarten teacher, there is not much I can do with my students using Web 2.0, however older elementary age students can use online journals, blogs, and wikis for educational purposes in or out of the classroom. Web 2.0 allows for easy use of the web that is necessary for young children. As the teacher, Web 2.0 provides me with the simple but ever so necessary email, to collaborate and share information with other teachers and parents.
This is a short video about the arrival of Web 2.0. I like it because it makes a good point- the internet relies on US now, as opposed to us relying on it. Users create the content and participate in OPEN communication. Web 2.0 is opening doors instead of restricting its users. The WORLD is staying connected via Web 2.0. The video also provides a look at numerous different Web 2.0 applications.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Educational Technology
Educational technology is the practice of addressing educational needs and improving education by utilizing the most current and versatile resource-technology. By definition, education is "learning, teaching, knowledge, instruction, mental growth" and technology means a craft or art, gadgets, tools, techniques, products and practices. Therefore, educational technology can be described as addressing the needs of learning, teaching, knowledge, instruction, and mental growth by using new gadgets, tools, techniques, products and practices. There has been a drastic transition to the use of educational technology because of the transition of the world at large. The world has transitioned into the information and technology age, and that transition has required education to also make a change in order to keep up. At first, this was with the use of radio, slides, and sound recordings in classrooms-the latest, greatest technologies for enhancing education. Now there are numerous more technologies available that are used every day in education to best prepare children of the 21st century for the high-tech, ever changing 21st century. In today's world, students are learning in ways never thought possible 60,30, even 10 years ago. As the amount of information is infinitely growing, faster and more complex means of utilizing and spreading that information to students is needed. Thus, students are growing up in an educational system of technology. Computers, internet, television, video, virtual classrooms, online assignments, interactive lessons and activities, blogs, wikis, web pages, social networking sites-these are all technologies students are experiencing, learning from, and utilizing in their education. Educational technology is also being used in the military and workforce for training, instruction, and communications.
As an educational major, educational technology is going to increasingly be an aspect of my career. Teaching a classroom full of 21st century children, using technology in my classroom to improve education is basically inevitable. As a kindergarten teacher, I can use technology not only to enhance learning, but to engage young children and keep their attention and make learning fun and exciting. I can use different types of technology in different ways to best fir the needs of each child, help them visualize what is being taught through the use of video or computer graphics, and help them learn the basics of certain technologies such as computers. However, I don't want technology to become a substitute for me. I do not want my students to become so distracted by and enveloped in technology that learning in others ways (from me or by working with each other) becomes unexciting. Technology will be used only when necessary or highly beneficial. That is, assuming I work in a school where technologies, which can be expensive and challenging to keep up to date since it is ever changing and improving, are affordable and available.
A Changing World!
As an educational major, educational technology is going to increasingly be an aspect of my career. Teaching a classroom full of 21st century children, using technology in my classroom to improve education is basically inevitable. As a kindergarten teacher, I can use technology not only to enhance learning, but to engage young children and keep their attention and make learning fun and exciting. I can use different types of technology in different ways to best fir the needs of each child, help them visualize what is being taught through the use of video or computer graphics, and help them learn the basics of certain technologies such as computers. However, I don't want technology to become a substitute for me. I do not want my students to become so distracted by and enveloped in technology that learning in others ways (from me or by working with each other) becomes unexciting. Technology will be used only when necessary or highly beneficial. That is, assuming I work in a school where technologies, which can be expensive and challenging to keep up to date since it is ever changing and improving, are affordable and available.
A Changing World!
This video (embedding was disabled so I included a link) goes through the evolution of technology in education over the years. I chose it because it not only gives the history of technology in education, but it shows just how far technology has come and how the shifts have greatly affected the way classrooms are run and how education is administered. It also provides a look into the future and a glimpse as to where technology may take education in the future!
educational technology,
high-tech classrooms,
Creative Commons
Creative commons is a non-profit corporation that provides a modification to copyright. It provides free tools and licenses that allow creators of information of any kind to label and mark their work with the freedom they would like it to have. When an individual creates something, they automatically own an all rights reserved copyright which protects their creativity. However, if full copyright is too restrictive and they want to be able to share their work, they can specify which parts they want to give free access to and what kind of uses of their creation they will allow. Therefor, creators can refine the rules of copyright and specify if they want "no rights reserved" or "some rights reserved" for their work rather than "all rights reserved," and which specific rights those are. This makes it easier for creators of information to share their creativity and allow others to use it, learn from it, and build upon it. This allows for more collaboration between people, as they are able to freely exchange information and work together to accomplish something. Creative commons also provides people with the opportunity to take information from a variety of different sources already created and make it their own creation. Creative commons plays an important role in increasing the amount of cultural, educational, and scientific content that is shared around the world, on a GLOBAL scale, through "the commons," which is the collection of work that is available to anyone for free and legal sharing, use, repurposing, and remixing. This global scale sharing is imperative, for in today's information and technology based age, it is virtually impossible to go a day without utilizing creative commons, whether you know it or not. Without this corporation, information and creativity sharing would cease to exist as we know it.
As an elementary education major, it is very important that I am familiar with creative commons. In order to teach my students and provide them with the information they need, I am going to have to access a variety of information from a variety of sources in order to form lesson plans, make activities, and operate my classroom in a fun, informative, and creative manner. Whether its printing worksheets or activities from online for my students to complete or playing a video or audiotape during free time or to enhance a lesson plan, I will be utilizing a multitude of educational resources and teaching materials made legally accessible and reusable by creative commons. With creative commons, I can provide for my students and allow them to utilize resources to be inspired and develop their own creativity. The entire field of education, not just my area of study, is based on information and creativity sharing between educators and educational institutions. Without the freedom creative commons gives, information sharing and collaboration would not be possible on a local or global scale, and the wealth of knowledge would be far less.
This PDF file is a great resource for information about creative commons. I included it because it has a variety of information pertaining to creative commons. It explains what creative commons is and how it works, the direction creative commons is going and what it hopes to accomplish in the future (really cool stuff!), its implications for education (which I obviously find interesting as an education major), and even some negative aspects of creative commons.
As an elementary education major, it is very important that I am familiar with creative commons. In order to teach my students and provide them with the information they need, I am going to have to access a variety of information from a variety of sources in order to form lesson plans, make activities, and operate my classroom in a fun, informative, and creative manner. Whether its printing worksheets or activities from online for my students to complete or playing a video or audiotape during free time or to enhance a lesson plan, I will be utilizing a multitude of educational resources and teaching materials made legally accessible and reusable by creative commons. With creative commons, I can provide for my students and allow them to utilize resources to be inspired and develop their own creativity. The entire field of education, not just my area of study, is based on information and creativity sharing between educators and educational institutions. Without the freedom creative commons gives, information sharing and collaboration would not be possible on a local or global scale, and the wealth of knowledge would be far less.
This PDF file is a great resource for information about creative commons. I included it because it has a variety of information pertaining to creative commons. It explains what creative commons is and how it works, the direction creative commons is going and what it hopes to accomplish in the future (really cool stuff!), its implications for education (which I obviously find interesting as an education major), and even some negative aspects of creative commons.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
21st Century Skills
21st century skills refer to the unique blend of worldly skills and core academic subjects that readies a student for the 21st century. 21st century skills build on the basis of academic knowledge and understanding to teach students the essential 4C's (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) they need to succeed in today's global economy and technology based society. Instead of teaching just the academic skills students need to succeed in the academic realm, 21st century skills are equipping students with the literacies, skills, knowledge, and expertise they'll need to succeed in LIFE. Once the core subjects are taught, interdisciplinary themes are included to promote a higher level of understanding; learning and innovation skills are included to prepare students for the work environment; information, media, and technology skills are included to prepare students for a technology based society; and life and career skills are included to prepare students to function in life and work. When all these things come together, they create a well-rounded, informed, able, prepared, multi-dimensional individual. In today's ever-changing, high speed, complicated, information loaded world, more and more is required of students. 21st century skills prepare students to go out and be able to not only accomplish what is required of them in this demanding world, but make contributions as well.
As an elementary education major, my field is not only refining the 21st century skills I’ve learned through schooling, but is teaching me how to teach these skills to students when I become a teacher. My profession goes beyond the core subjects. As a teacher I am preparing these children for the world-the purpose 21st century skills serves. Without 21st century skills and the framework for 21st century learning, my field would be, in essence, futile. We would not be able to create well rounded, prepared individuals. Therefore, I have to have all the 21st century skills down to a “T” if I am going to teach them to young children.
Besides teaching these skills to children, I will be using them on a daily basis in my field. Teaching kindergarten requires a lot of creativity and innovation. I have to be able to create learning activities for my students that are fun, exciting, and engaging (5 year old attention spans don’t last long), but at the same time effective and meaningful. If one activity isn’t effective, or a child is not understanding or progressing, I have to be innovative and utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills to deal with the problem and find a solution. Communication skills are imperative. Not only do I have to effectively communicate with kindergarten age children and be able to communicate with them on a level that makes them understand and in a way that suits their needs, but I have to communicate with parents. Communication with parents is a vital aspect of gaining their trust in teaching their child and in promoting the child’s success. Collaboration skills will be used on a daily basis when working with other teachers to create lesson plans, share ideas, and help each other to run an efficient classroom, and when working with my class as a whole on an activity. In an ever changing, high speed, technology focused world, I have to be ready to teach a generation of children that will probably be able to use more technology than me and be learning in ways we didn’t at that age. I will utilize information, technology, and media skills on a daily basis. Whether it’s using technology to enhance lessons and stimulate learning, such as powerpoints, videos, songs, the computer, or interactive technology; using technology to form my lesson plans, such as researching databases and making use of the internet; or using technology to organize, such as computer documents for grades and lesson plans, and email for contact with parents, I will need to be technology savvy to do my job. Life and career skills may be the most important of all the 21st century skills for my field. I have to be flexible, especially dealing with kindergartners. They may not always understand or be able to do something I ask them to, and I have to be flexible and find a way to adapt the situation to fit the needs of the student. I also have to be flexible when dealing with parents and faculty and dealing with decisions that I did not make but have to work with. I have to have social and cross cultural skills in order to work with people of varying ages all day everyday, and to understand why certain students act a certain way or have certain characteristics and not be offensive to anyone. I have to be productive in order to effectively and efficiently teach young children everything they need to know I order to succeed and move on in their schooling. And last but not least, I have to be a responsible and be a leader for my students. I am responsible not only for their academic success but their well being during the school day. I have to care for them and adequately provide for them. And I have to be a leader for them. They need a role-model to look up to, who they can trust and rely on to always lead them in the right direction.
In this video, leaders in education and business talk about the importance of 21st century skills. I chose this video because it includes prestigious and well-educated individuals who are successful in today’s world and whose words have substantial support. They do a great job of explaining the importance of teaching 21st century students 21st century skills, and preparing them with the skills to be able to think on their own and succeed in today’s global economy, and to go beyond that and make contributions to their world. They emphasize the need for 21st century skills in an ever changing and challenging world, no matter what field of study or work you are in. I can strongly relate to this video because it stresses the role teachers play in implanting these skills in students, and how teachers are having to adapt their teaching methods to catch up with the 21st century.
As an elementary education major, my field is not only refining the 21st century skills I’ve learned through schooling, but is teaching me how to teach these skills to students when I become a teacher. My profession goes beyond the core subjects. As a teacher I am preparing these children for the world-the purpose 21st century skills serves. Without 21st century skills and the framework for 21st century learning, my field would be, in essence, futile. We would not be able to create well rounded, prepared individuals. Therefore, I have to have all the 21st century skills down to a “T” if I am going to teach them to young children.
Besides teaching these skills to children, I will be using them on a daily basis in my field. Teaching kindergarten requires a lot of creativity and innovation. I have to be able to create learning activities for my students that are fun, exciting, and engaging (5 year old attention spans don’t last long), but at the same time effective and meaningful. If one activity isn’t effective, or a child is not understanding or progressing, I have to be innovative and utilize critical thinking and problem solving skills to deal with the problem and find a solution. Communication skills are imperative. Not only do I have to effectively communicate with kindergarten age children and be able to communicate with them on a level that makes them understand and in a way that suits their needs, but I have to communicate with parents. Communication with parents is a vital aspect of gaining their trust in teaching their child and in promoting the child’s success. Collaboration skills will be used on a daily basis when working with other teachers to create lesson plans, share ideas, and help each other to run an efficient classroom, and when working with my class as a whole on an activity. In an ever changing, high speed, technology focused world, I have to be ready to teach a generation of children that will probably be able to use more technology than me and be learning in ways we didn’t at that age. I will utilize information, technology, and media skills on a daily basis. Whether it’s using technology to enhance lessons and stimulate learning, such as powerpoints, videos, songs, the computer, or interactive technology; using technology to form my lesson plans, such as researching databases and making use of the internet; or using technology to organize, such as computer documents for grades and lesson plans, and email for contact with parents, I will need to be technology savvy to do my job. Life and career skills may be the most important of all the 21st century skills for my field. I have to be flexible, especially dealing with kindergartners. They may not always understand or be able to do something I ask them to, and I have to be flexible and find a way to adapt the situation to fit the needs of the student. I also have to be flexible when dealing with parents and faculty and dealing with decisions that I did not make but have to work with. I have to have social and cross cultural skills in order to work with people of varying ages all day everyday, and to understand why certain students act a certain way or have certain characteristics and not be offensive to anyone. I have to be productive in order to effectively and efficiently teach young children everything they need to know I order to succeed and move on in their schooling. And last but not least, I have to be a responsible and be a leader for my students. I am responsible not only for their academic success but their well being during the school day. I have to care for them and adequately provide for them. And I have to be a leader for them. They need a role-model to look up to, who they can trust and rely on to always lead them in the right direction.
In this video, leaders in education and business talk about the importance of 21st century skills. I chose this video because it includes prestigious and well-educated individuals who are successful in today’s world and whose words have substantial support. They do a great job of explaining the importance of teaching 21st century students 21st century skills, and preparing them with the skills to be able to think on their own and succeed in today’s global economy, and to go beyond that and make contributions to their world. They emphasize the need for 21st century skills in an ever changing and challenging world, no matter what field of study or work you are in. I can strongly relate to this video because it stresses the role teachers play in implanting these skills in students, and how teachers are having to adapt their teaching methods to catch up with the 21st century.
21st century skills,
world knowledge
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Creative Commons Licensing
This video is a short introduction that explains the sharing of ideas, collaboration, and wealth of knowledge and creation that come from refining copyright rules and using creative commons licensing.
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