Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Using Games for Teaching and Learning

Computer games are becoming increasingly used tools for teaching and learning. They are used to supplement, enhance, and reinforce material taught in the classroom. They are an effective way to engage students in the learning process and make learning interesting and fun. In today's technology based world, children are using and becoming comfortable with technology earlier and earlier in life. Children today learn by being engaged, doing, and playing, not just being delivered information; by multitasking and moving quickly, not doing one thing at a time; by having choices of how to learn, not having a one size fits all curriculum; and by being connected with other students, not individually. Children are comfortable with technology, so why not teach them in a way they are comfortable with? In today's technology ruled world, it is imperative that children gain knowledge of technology and computes. Educational games prepare students for the 21st century by equipping them with the skills the need to operate computers and programs, while at the same time educating them. Educational computer games allow for teaching, learning, enhancement of material, engagement of the student, facilitation of interest, and making learning fun! This does not mean educational computer games should take the place of instruction by the teacher and face to face interaction, but be used as a tool for enhancing and adding to education-allowing for more interaction and collaboration.

As an elementary education major, educational games will play a major role in my future career. At the elementary level, children learn a great deal by doing and playing, so games are an important and even vital tool for their education and success. Education games provide elementary students with fun, interesting games that keep their attention and engage them. At the elementary level, there are countless educational games available to help students learn the curriculum. I will not let computer games take over education in my classroom. If overused, computer games can pose more of a threat than benefit, because students become in a sense dependent on them, only able to learn by playing, losing their attention span and interest in traditional teaching.

This site is dedicated to educational games for the elementary grade levels. I chose it because it is organized in an easy to use way, includes games for the four basic subject areas, as well as games for addition education and reinforcement. It is a great tool for elementary teachers to use in the classroom.

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