Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Using Games for Teaching and Learning

Computer games are becoming increasingly used tools for teaching and learning. They are used to supplement, enhance, and reinforce material taught in the classroom. They are an effective way to engage students in the learning process and make learning interesting and fun. In today's technology based world, children are using and becoming comfortable with technology earlier and earlier in life. Children today learn by being engaged, doing, and playing, not just being delivered information; by multitasking and moving quickly, not doing one thing at a time; by having choices of how to learn, not having a one size fits all curriculum; and by being connected with other students, not individually. Children are comfortable with technology, so why not teach them in a way they are comfortable with? In today's technology ruled world, it is imperative that children gain knowledge of technology and computes. Educational games prepare students for the 21st century by equipping them with the skills the need to operate computers and programs, while at the same time educating them. Educational computer games allow for teaching, learning, enhancement of material, engagement of the student, facilitation of interest, and making learning fun! This does not mean educational computer games should take the place of instruction by the teacher and face to face interaction, but be used as a tool for enhancing and adding to education-allowing for more interaction and collaboration.

As an elementary education major, educational games will play a major role in my future career. At the elementary level, children learn a great deal by doing and playing, so games are an important and even vital tool for their education and success. Education games provide elementary students with fun, interesting games that keep their attention and engage them. At the elementary level, there are countless educational games available to help students learn the curriculum. I will not let computer games take over education in my classroom. If overused, computer games can pose more of a threat than benefit, because students become in a sense dependent on them, only able to learn by playing, losing their attention span and interest in traditional teaching.

This site is dedicated to educational games for the elementary grade levels. I chose it because it is organized in an easy to use way, includes games for the four basic subject areas, as well as games for addition education and reinforcement. It is a great tool for elementary teachers to use in the classroom.

Distance Education

Distance education, or distance learning, is the education and instruction of students not physically present on the teaching site. Throughout history, distance education has taken place, but not to the degree and way it does in today's world. Today, distance education is achieved through technological means. Both public and private institutions of varying grade levels offer distance education, but it is most popular at colleges and universities, with more than 96% of the largest offering courses through distance education. Students can partake in distance education through television, radio, internet, CD-ROM, or mobile devices. The most common form of distance education is online learning, which utilizes online technologies to connect educator and student. This allows them to be in different places at different times and still connect for education. Online instruction is often mixed with limited in-person interaction, called blended instruction. Another form of online instruction on the rise is virtual education, in which the educational institution down not physically exist, but is a "virtual" online institution and all student services are provided online.

Many advantages come with distance education. Students are allowed to learn at their own pace because learning is done on the student's own time and there is no time constraint like being in a classroom; there is flexibility in when the student can learn the material and how the student wants to go about learning it; there is greater access to multimedia in lessons because technology is already being used; and students have greater access to education they may not have due to distance or availability where they are. There are some downsides to distance education as well. It can be costly; there are concerns about security of information transferred online; and there is a lack of motivation, encouragement, discipline, immediate access to educators, and personal interaction that comes with face to face education.

As an kindergarten teacher, I do not think full distance education would be a good idea, but I do think there are some ways to use distance education and online "courses" to enhance material being taught in the class. I could set up "courses" online for my students to complete at home. These courses would not be all inclusive or as complicated as they are in higher levels, but they can include games, worksheets, and practice problems on an easy to maneuver web page. This will ensure their education continues out of the classroom, that lessons are enhanced, and that they stay engaged in an interactive and fun way.

The video above is an informational video about online education in the K-12 grade levels. I chose it because it focuses on students below the college level, whoa re often forgotten when talking about distance education. It explains how online education can benefit these younger children, the advantages to and importance of online online learning in today's world, and the positive impact it has. The speakers are accredited, professional educators experienced in both face to face and distance education.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Web Presence

A web presence is the influence an individual, business, or organization has on the web and the traceable path that is left behind through this interaction. Thus, since the influence is traceable, the presence can be searched and accessed by others using the web. Most users of the web have some sort of web presence, whether it's social or professional-simply by having a social networking site such as Facebook, writing a blog, or creating their own web page. By merely "existing" on the web and making their presence known somehow, users have a web presence. Having a web presence in today's world is very beneficial, and in some cases vital. Social networking presences keep users in contact with other users, and professional web presences allow users to showcase their portfolios and resumes for employers to access without having to meet personally, saving money and increasing the amount of people who see it.

As a teacher, creating a professional web presence that includes my resume, portfolio, and information about me can not only help me find an employer, but is a great way to inform parents about who I am so they know is teaching their child and are comfortable and informed. A social web presence would also be a great tool for me to use. By adding and becoming "friends" with my students' parents on Facebook, I can keep them updated on what is going on in the classroom, they can message me with questions or concerns, I can create a group that includes just them so open discussions can be made and photos of their children in the classroom can be added, and they can have instant access to me through Facebook chat. I can create a blog that does much of the same thing-updating parents on what is going on in the classroom, what homework is due when, and post classroom pictures. Social networks and blogs can also be used for teachers to share ideas and work with other teachers. Having a social and professional web presence would be a great tool for communication and collaboration in and out of the classroom.

This video is a short tutorial about creating a web presence. I chose this video because it explains in a simple, easy to understand way, what a web presence is, the benefits of creating a web presence, and how to create a web presence.

Open Source Software

Programs and software have source codes, which are transformed into machine codes so they can be read by computers. If the program is to be fixed, extended, or changed in any way, this is done by ammending the source code and creating another machine code to create an updated copy of the software. Software is open source when the author of the software gives users of the software access to the source code and gives them the right to change and redistribute the source code as they need to. The concept of open source was created by computer programmer Richard Stallman. When Stallman couldn't get a printer to work, he asked the manufacturer for the source code so he could adapt it and fix the problems. The manufacturer denied Stallman access to the source code, saying it was a trade secret, so Stallman became frustrated that he could not alter software he had paid money to own and thus created the concept of free software, which open source software came from. Open source allows users of software to access the source code so they can alter the software any way they want. While commercial software has to be purchased and the source code is kept secret, open source is free to download and users can access the source code. By having access to source codes, users can create different codes for different applications and versions of the software, as long as they don't sell or make profit from it. Open source software is available for word processing, image editing, web browsing, and multiple other uses. Some very popular open source programs include Firefox web browser, Linux, Open Office word processing, Gimpshop photo editor, and Audacity sound editor. These and thousands of other programs make software usage free and easy.

In elementary education, open source provides a way to access educational software and programs for free, allowing for more software in the classroom than if the software had to be purchased. Since much of the software used in an elementary classroom down not need to be commercial grade, open source is a great way to obtain educational software, games, and materials. This is vital to public schools that are already on a tight budget and don't have thousands to spend on word processing programs, educational games, and other programs necessary in the classroom. I could use multiple programs to enhance lessons and engage students in the educational process. Open source provides software for creating presentations, editing projects, and creating documents. Open source can be used to make educational resources more effective, efficient, and available, and increasing communication and sharing of resources between teachers. Open source would, to put it simply, would make utilizing educational software cheap and easy.

This is a great website that includes links to and explains numerous educational open source software. I chose this site because it includes programs that cover a variety of subjects, including art, music, astronomy, mathematics, and variety games. These programs enhance education and make learning fun and engaging.